Hotels like the Omni are basing their renovations on reviews from websites like TripAdvisor.

Do you tip housekeeping when you are at a hotel? And, if so, how much?

Although pedistrians, in general, have the right-of-way, there are rules you need to follow to be sure you are right - and safe.
You - and many others - will be on the road this Labor Day. Plan ahead for an enjoyable trip!
If you are planning a Labor Day weekend trip be extra aware: the scammers are planning to ruin that trip. But, following a few steps will reduce your chances of scam.
Worried about traveling alone? With the right tactics, you can travel alone - and enjoy it!
If you are planning a long term trip, there is a list of steps - beyond the usual travel arranagements and packing - that you will need to add on your todo list.
Need a boost of creativity? Take a trip! The different sights and sounds will get those creative juices flowing - especially if you travel alone.
There is something beyond that ocean you are staring at - other nations. Who might be staring back at you from across the watery way?
Don't want to pay for that expensive honeymoon hotel suite? That's fine. But - tell the hotel front desk about your newly-married status, and you might still get some honeymoon perks.
If you are planning a road trip - plan for a safe and healthy road trip. There is nothing worse than being sick or hurt while traveling.
You might have stayed in some scary hotels, but have you stayed in a - crypt?