5 Jul 2015

Some tips for a great family vacation

Submitted by Anonymous

Are you thinking about a family vacation? Here are some tips for a great family vacation:

  1. Plan well, or let others do it for you (such as an All-inclusive resort).
  2. Take a Staycation, where you explore events and sites around a bigger city near you.
  3. Travel with friends. This can greatly decrease the price (i.e. gas, sharing a vacation housing, etc.). Plus, the children can play together if they are the same age.
  4. Keep an open mind. Not every detail will go the way you planned it, so embrace everything the vacation throws at you.
  5. Have fun with your family - kids and adults alike!

And, one last tip if you are traveling by car: make the car trip part of the actual trip. My family often traveled 8 hours to go up to northern Minnesota. Even though the six of us were packed into a sedan, I valued the trip because my parents would stop often during the car trip for lunches and sightseeing. It was far better than the trips you hear about where the parents wouldn't even stop for a bathroom break.

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