Travel Tips

1 Jan 2015

Should you travel off-season?

Submitted by Wanderlust Andi

I make a point of traveling off-season, as it helps to keep my hotel bills under $50/day. For example, I have gone to the beach in January and February. The weather was cooler - but, I didn't mind. You can put a sweatshirt one for hikes up and down the beach. And, although fewer shops and restaurants are open - there are usually enough shops and restaurants to satisfy all.

9 Dec 2014

Many hotels use green energy marketing strategies which are designed to save the environment. Most hotel guests are not interested in the strategies that are used, such as reusing towels. Starwood Hotels has implemented a program that guests find useful which offers discount vouchers to customers who refuse room cleaning, which saves water and energy.

2 Dec 2014

Safety tips for traveling alone

Submitted by Wanderlust Andi

The decision to travel alone often proves very appealing and has many benefits. You can see what you what, when you want, without worrying about the schedules of others. However, traveling solo also comes with increased risk and danger. There are several steps you can take when traveling alone to increase your safety while increasing enjoyment of any traveling adventure.

2 Dec 2014

Those signs for restaurants, lodging and gas that you see on our interstate exits are very useful. They eliminate garish billboards while giving you quick information. However, according to this article, those signs are allocated to the highest bidder. So, some of those great, smaller restaurants and lodgings probably won't be on those signs.

26 Nov 2014

Walk a dog while you are traveling!

Submitted by Wanderlust Andi

Ambassador programs, which allow people to take shelter dogs out for a day of exercise, are increasing in popularity across the United States. These day trips are a great tool for introducing shelter dogs to potential owners, as well as providing exercise and socialization for both dog and human. Learn about one dog-lovers experience with an ambassador program and a shelter dog in this article.


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