1 Jan 2015

Caution: 3-4 star hotels charge for WiFi

Submitted by Wanderlust Andi

In the wake of the Marriott WiFi scandal, in which Marriott was fined $600,000 for jamming the hot spots of its guests, the hotel industry is being pressured to up the ante. For ages, the hotel industry has been behind the times with their internet service with no WiFi or a very slow WiFi connection, leaving guests frustrated and looking for better options. Marriott has brought focus to the issue and the whole industry is feeling the scrutiny, which many are hoping will mean their next stay at a hotel will boast reliable WiFi access.

Why do 1 and 2 star hotels have free WiFi, while 3+ star hotels charge for WiFi?

I have found that most 2 star - and even 1 star - hotels have free WiFi service with varying degrees of quality. I have also found that most 3 and 4 star hotels I have stayed at charge for WiFi which, given the price of 3 and 4 star hotels, I find mind-boggling.

Bottom line: if you are going to use WiFi at the hotel, be sure that the hotel offers it. If they do, then read the fine print to see if they charge by day for all your devices, or if, like the Marriott, they charge a fee by device. Most people have an average of 3 devices (given smartphones, laptops, Kindles and tablets). Hotels can charge $10+ per day, per device, so a by-device charge can add up to be $30/day! So - add any WiFi charges to the total price of the hotel, and THEN start comparing hotel prices.

Read full article here:

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